
The superiority of perpendicular recording derives from the very low demagnetization at high bit densities, and from the nearly perfect writing process when a single pole head is used in combination with a double layer medium. Recent experiments have shown that it is possible to record very high densities in the longitudinal recording mode by scaling down all the critical parameters to extremely small values. However, such extreme scaling will very likely be accompanied by some very difficult problems from the point of view of media imperfections, defects, yields and costs. The power of perpendicular recording derives in part from the ability to attain these very high bit densities without resort to extreme scaling of the critical system parameters. There is little doubt that in the long run perpendicular recording will predominate because of its superior performance derived from the advantages stated above. For the next several years, however, we have to look to new and improved particulate media (to satisfy the majority of the demands) which can be fabricated by using existing large capacity continuous web coating facilities. The best choice for satisfying the requirements of these tape-related large volume applications is to utilize the new particulate media which support a large degree of perpendicular magnetization (isotropic-high squareness, and perpendicular anisotropy particulate dispersions) rather than employing very high coercivity longitudianally optimized particulate media.

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