
AbstractIn the last decade, corporate governance has come to the forefront in each sector. Many grounds have created such a situation across the corporate world at large that have compelled every organization within the corporate space to identify and adapt. Owing to extreme emphasis on corporate governance in UAE banking sector, this study identifies the guidelines followed and ensure that banks are in complete adherence. The analysis into the factors within the UAE for corporate governance will be linked by providing a path for analysing and coming to a verdict about the corporate governance within the banking industry in UAE and its role within every banking institution. This study will further solidify the fact that ethical practices are quintessential for any industry irrespective of its nature looking at its proportion in any country’s economic growth as well as depict the positive aspect of corporate governance practices within the U.A.E banking system. The results highlight that banks are exploring ways to improve the methods to boost productivity on corporate governance practices within organizations and specifically for banks that have a poor record of giving worth and respect to stakeholder’s goals for a longer period.KeywordsStakeholdersCorporate goalsProductivityCentral bankAccountabilityMismanagementFraudulent transactions

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