
The organization of projections from V1 to areas V2 and V3 in the macaque monkey was studied with a combination of anatomical techniques, including lesions and tracer injections made in different portions of V1 and V2 in 20 experimental hemispheres. Our results indicate that dorsal V1 (representing the inferior contralateral visual quadrant) consistently projects in topographically organized fashion to V3 in the lunate and parietooccipital sulci as well as to the middle temporal area (MT) and dorsal V2. In contrast, ventral V1 (representing the superior contralateral quadrant) projects only to MT and ventral V2. A corresponding dorsoventral asymmetry in myeloarchitecture supports the idea that V3 is an area that is restricted to dorsal extrastriate cortex and lacks a complete representation of the visual field. The average surface area of myeloarchitectonically identified V3 was 89 mm2. Additional information was obtained concerning the laminar distribution of connections from V1 to V2 and V3, the patchiness of these projections, and the consistency of projections to other extrastriate areas, including V4 and V3A.

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