
Microtubule-associated protein 4 (MAP4), a major MAP expressed in proliferating non-neuronal cells, consists of an N-terminal projection (PJ) domain and a C-terminal microtubule-binding (MTB) domain. The PJ domain of MAP4 is divided into three regions; the N-terminal acidic region (the Na-region), the multiple KDM-repeated sequence region (the KDM-region), and the b-region followed by the MTB domain. To investigate roles of the PJ domain, we prepared three truncated forms of human MAP4 with different PJ domain lengths; PJ1, PJ2 and MTB with deletion of about one-third, two-third and all of the PJ domain, respectively, and examined their effects on bundle formation of microtubules (MTs). MTs polymerized by full length MAP4 were singly distributed as observed by both negative staining electron microscopy and dark field microscopy. MTs with PJ1 were also separated in solution but became pairs when pelleted by centrifugation. PJ2 formed planar two-dimensional bundles consisting of several MTs (the 2D-bundle). MTB induced large bundles of many MTs, tightly packed without space in between (termed the 3D-bundle). To study how the PJ domain decreases the bundle-forming activity of the MTB domain of MAP4, we made three additional deletion-mutants of MAP4, called Na-MTB, KDM-MTB and Na-PJ2. Na-MTB and KDM-MTB, in which the KDM/b-region and both of Na- and b-regions were deleted respectively, were prepared by fusing the Na-region or KDM-region to MTB. Both of Na-MTB and KDM-MTB suppressed the 3D-bundle formation as effectively as PJ2. MTs polymerized with Na-PJ2, the KDM-deletion mutant made by adding the Na-region to PJ2, were singular and did not become bundles. These results indicated that the PJ domain kept individual MTs separated by suppressing the bundle-forming ability of the MTB domain. The suppressive activity of the PJ domain was correlated with the length, but not the amino acid sequence, of the PJ.

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