
In science learning, it is important to develop procedural and conceptual understanding, one of which is to train students’ science process skills (SPS) in the classroom. SPS is very important for every student because it underlies students’ ability to train thinking such as formulating hypotheses, conducting experiments and analyzing data. The fact is that SPS is still not optimally implemented during the learning process and is still rarely trained to students. The purpose of this study was to create the profile of students’ SPS which includes basic SPS and integrated SPS on thermodynamic topics through authentic PBL with STEM approach and formative assessment. This study uses a descriptive analysis of the results of observations and student worksheets. The Indicators of SPS are categorized into four, namely very good (score 4), good (score 3), not good with (score 2), and very not good (score 1). The results of observations during the learning process showed that students’ basic SPS had percentages above 68% and integrated SPS above 70.6% with both categories being good and very good. The SPS indicators that students tend to master well are classification indicators, while those that tend to be difficult are predicting.

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