
The profile of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) using Beta Attenuator Monitor (BAM) in AddisAbaba, EthiopiaAuthor List: Abera Kumie1, Alemayehu Worku1, Zelalem Tazu1, Worku Tefera1, Getu Boja1, MollaMekashaw1, Solomon Teferra2, Jonathan Patz3, Jonathan Samet4, Kiros Berhane51Addis Ababa University (Ethiopia); 2Air Quality Management District (USA), 3University of Wisconsin–Madison (USA), 4University of Colorado (USA), 5University of Southern California (USA).AbstractBackground: Ambient air pollution is currently a global agenda. The concentration of fine particulatematter (PM2.5) is one of the indicators for the air quality monitoring. The monitoring of air qualityindicators is very limited in African countries including Ethiopia.Objectives: The objective of this study is to describe the current level of air pollution in Addis Ababa anddetermine its patterns over time, days of the week and seasons.Material and Methods: MetOne® Beta Attenuator Monitor (BAM) instrument for measuring the hourlyaverage level of PM2.5 was installed at one of the referral hospital in Addis Ababa, capital city ofEthiopia. A two-year data (April 1st, 2017 to March 31st, 2019) was generated to describe the profile ofPM for this study. The raw data from the monitor was periodically downloaded and cleaned usingstandard operative procedures. R-software was used for data management and analysis.Results: The average PM2.5 concentration over the two years was found to be 43.3µg/m3. There wereunusual peaks of PM concentration that greatly exceeded the daily averages. There were differences inlevels of PM2.5 across the days of the week and week days. Sunday’s had on average low PM2.5concentration relative to other days. We also observed variations in levels of PM2.5 across the Ethiopianseasons. Generally, wet seasons exhibited high levels of PM2.5 while low levels of PM2.5 were during thedry season. These findings highlighted the need of interventions related to public transportation and urbanplanning in controlling the ambient air pollution.Keywords: Ambient air pollution, PM2.5, Status, Beta Attenuator Monitor, variation

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