
The Production of Lung Tumours in Rats by 3:4 Benzpyrene, Methylcholanthrene and the Condensate from Cigarette Smoke


  • In the first group the same amount of the same olive oil as was used to suspend the benzpyrene, methylcholanthrene and the smoking machine tar was injected into the lung; in the second group the same amount of the same olive oil and the same weight of dead tubercle bacilli taken from the same suspension was used for injection as in the experiments with benzpyrene, methylcholanthrene and the tar from the cigarette filters; in the third group, 2 pellets of the same cholesterol, each weighing 3.83 mg., as was used in the experiments with benzpyrene and methylcholanthrene were inserted into the lung

  • In the CB strain of rats which were employed in this work spontaneous lung tumours are unknown and further in our control rats no growths were observed, though some of these animals lived as long as those treated with known carcinogens or tobacco tar

  • It is safe to assume that any neoplasm which was produced was due to the substances introduced into the lung

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10 . 0- 1 ml. olive oil + tar from. No tumour, 10 rats . 320. 393, 438, 488, 476. In the first group the same amount of the same olive oil as was used to suspend the benzpyrene, methylcholanthrene and the smoking machine tar was injected into the lung; in the second group the same amount of the same olive oil and the same weight of dead tubercle bacilli taken from the same suspension was used for injection as in the experiments with benzpyrene, methylcholanthrene and the tar from the cigarette filters; in the third group, 2 pellets of the same cholesterol, each weighing 3.83 mg., as was used in the experiments with benzpyrene and methylcholanthrene were inserted into the lung In each of these control groups, at least half of the animals lived longer than those which developed tumours in the corresponding. Benzpyrene, methylcholanthrene or tar groups, but none showed any naked-eye or microscopic evidence of tumour growth in the lungs

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