
Crucible steel production at Ghattihosahalli in the nineteenth century has been the subject of detailed study, based both on the contemporary historic record and the physical survival of the mounds of production debris at the village. The published reports have been based on the scientific study of samples collected from the mounds but left questions that could only be resolved by archaeological excavation. Preliminary excavations had already taken place which revealed the remains of a crucible steel smelting installation. Unfortunately the instigator of these investigations, Prof. K.P.N. Rao, died before these could be worked up for publication. This has now been done and the results published here. With the vital information provided by the excavation of the smelting site, it is now possible to give a much more complete description of the operations, not just at Ghattihosahalli, but of the production of crucible steel by the ‘Mysore’ in-situ carburisation process in general.

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