
Recent ly there have been reported several examples of nuclear interact ions in which occur the associated production of a hyperon and a heavy meson; in those examples where an identificat.ion of the charge of the heavy meson has been possible it has always been shown to be posi t ive or neutral . In this communica t ion we describe an even t in which a negative K-mesm,, K (Brd), is produced in association with a~+other heavy meson. The nega | ive K-meson capture s tar was found in the course of scanning in photographic emulsion. The t rack of tim incoming part ic le was /:raced back to its origin which was foui~d to be a s tar of type 6 + 5p. The or ientat ions of the remaining t racks f rom the s tar were such that , wi th one except ion, reliable measurements could be made on all, and the i r na ture defined. The details and results of the measurements on the tracks are shown i~ Ta.ble l . The to ta l

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