
RAT7/NUP159 was identified previously in a screen for genes whose products are important for nucleocytoplasmic export of poly(A)+ RNA and encodes an essential nucleoporin. We report here the identification of RSS1 (Rat Seven Suppressor) as a high-copy extragenic suppressor of the rat7-1 temperature-sensitive allele. Rss1p encodes a novel essential protein of 538 amino acids, which contains an extended predicted coiled-coil domain and is located both at nuclear pore complexes (NPCs) and in the cytoplasm. RSS1 is the first reported high-copy extragenic suppressor of a mutant nucleoporin. Overexpression of Rss1p partially suppresses the defects in nucleocytoplasmic export of poly(A)+ RNA, rRNA synthesis and processing, and nucleolar morphology seen in rat7-1 cells shifted to the nonpermissive temperature of 37 degrees C and, thus, restores these processes to levels adequate for growth at a rate approximately one-half that of wild-type cells. After a shift to 37 degrees C, the mutant Rat7-1p/Nup159-1p is lost from the nuclear rim of rat7-1 cells and NPCs, which are clustered together in these cells grown under permissive conditions become substantially less clustered. Overexpression of Rss1p did not result in retention of the mutant Rat7-1p/Nup159-1p in NPCs, but it did result in partial maintenance of the NPC-clustering phenotype seen in mutant cells. Depletion of Rss1p by placing the RSS1 open reading frame (ORF) under control of the GAL1 promoter led to cessation of growth and nuclear accumulation of poly(A)+ RNA without affecting nuclear protein import or nuclear pore complex distribution, suggesting that RSS1 is directly involved in mRNA export. Because both rat7-1 cells and cells depleted for Rss1p are defective in mRNA export, our data are consistent with both gene products playing essential roles in the process of mRNA export and suggest that Rss1p overexpression suppresses the growth defect of rat7-1 cells at 37 degrees C by acting to maintain mRNA export.

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