
The article substantiates the cyclicality of the processes of urban development of historical planning of Ukrainian cities and illustrates by the examples of four cities with initially diverse composition - Lviv with a circular, Kharkiv with a radial, Vinnytsia with linear and Dnipro with a grid planning system. It is determined that one of the most important directions of systematization of previously revealed patterns of spatial and spatial growth of urban planning is the classification of development types of the compositional structure, which are determined by the basic parameters and properties of dynamic spatial modifications of the urban planning composition. These are the categories of resistance, mutation, transformation and synthesis. Resistance is characterized by the processes of inheritance and maintenance of the initial planning structures, as well as their systematic spatial growth. The mutation is described by the processes of peripheral modifications of initially prominent shaping patterns with their subsequent development while preserving the primary features of the spatial structure. Transformation is realized by the processes of significant modification of the vectors of development of the planning structure, which leads to a total change in the type of composite model. For synthesis, the main feature is the formation of subcenters of the composition based on previously identified patterns of development of a certain planning structure with the change of spatial scale. The transition process from resistance phase of the spatial development to mutation phase occurs through the development of new centrifugal axes and structures in the periphery; transformation phase is determined by more radical compositional changes to the structure based on pre-formed directions; the last phase of a certain cyclical development -- synthesis -- characterized by the formation of subcenters on the basis of all the previous regularities of the composite elements. For Ukrainian cities, the main common feature is the stage of transformation, at which significant territorial growth occurs with the formation of a centrifugal radial system of axes, which are closed by circles at the periphery, that is, any previous scheme is transformed into a radial-annular compositional structure.

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