
On November 8, 2015 the free general election after 25 years in Myanmar ended with the victory of the opposition parties led by Mrs. Suu Kyi as President, a democratic era began in Myanmar. A history question posed is the military dictatorship was established and exists in how the passage of time in Myanmar. This article will analyze the basis of existence of political thought and of the dictatorship of General Ne Win's 1962-1988 in Myanmar.The coup d'etat is not revolutionary, and the source of them are derived from the economic turmoil, politics, society of the country in each certain time. Seen from the coup in the area also shows us that, the first coup of March 1962 by General Ne Win overthrew the regime of Prime Minister U Nu with the establishment of the Council of revolution is a process of history, has shown the next development step of the "Myanmar democracy within the influence of the army". The Government is still in the hands of the military until today, represents the will as well as maintain the interests of the bourgeoisie and the bourgeois led the country Myanmar.

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