
In the process of open-pit mining, excavations of various sizes are formed on the earth surface: from 1.5 to 8 kilometers long, from 0.4 to 1.5-2.0 km wide. At the same time, agricultural land is very often used for civil construction, as well as for the creation of industrial facilities. This leads to a reduction in land for food production. This problem is especially acute in countries with a rapidly growing population (for example, China) or with an intensively developed mining industry, where lands are significantly disturbed with the formation of technogenic and disturbed geological environments (Ukraine). In this regard, the direction of using the spaces of depleted quarries to create cities, industrial and economic, tourist, and recreational complexes is widely developing in the world. The implemented and proposed in the world practice options for the use of such technogenic and disturbed environments were analyzed. It is shown that the worked-out spaces of mines and quarries can be used for the construction of hotels, residential complexes, cities, industrial enterprises of various industries, power plants, museums, sports complexes and parks. Attention is focused on the presence of social, geomechanical, environmental and other factors, which are necessary to take into account when making a decision on the further use of a technogenic or disturbed environment. To take into account the influence of various factors through a comparison of existing indicators (the potential of the territory) with indicators of possible directions for the use of technogenic and disturbed environments is proposed. A phased analysis is proposed: indicative - to assess the safety of an object, analys of compliance of the object and the adjacent territory, area with the criteria that will determine the direction of its use, taxonomic analysis by the method of hierarchy analysis which evaluates the intensity of criteria, their weight, relative and absolute correction factors for each direction. This the most optimal direction is determines.

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