
The information in the patient leaflets on the medicines must be unified, have a good structure and be clearly presented to the patient for prevent information asymmetry. We substantiated and worked a methodic of comparative analysis of antibiotic using for example of 74 instructions on the drug of one INN, which are registered on the markets of Ukraine, EU countries and Japan. Ways to unify information in to improve patient awareness of the correct use of drugs, especially antibiotics, are substantiated and presented.
 Aim – to conduct a comparative analysis of the patient leaflets for antibacterial medicines and determine the presence or absence of information asymmetry using the example of antibiotics of one INN that are registrated on the Ukrainian market or they received as a humanitarian aid from Europe in wartime, in order to establish inconsistencies in the information structure and data in the information leaflets.
 The objects were information leaflets for antibiotics: azithromycin, amoxiclav, amoxicillin, zinnate, cefazolin, cefatoxin. Methods were informational, comparative and content analysis. Methodology of information asymmetry analysis using the example of information leaflets for the medicine azithromycin from various manufacturers available on the market of Ukraine.
 As a result, significant differences were established in 3 sections: «Indications», «Peculiarities of use», suspension preparation, etc. Significant differences were found in the information leaflets for prescribing azithromycin for skin infections, which requires immediate unification in the information leaflets of data for correct prescribing by a doctor using an electronic prescription and good use for a treatment course. It was established that in the for azithromycin from one manufacturer, which is on the market of Ukraine and EU countries, significant differences in information were found in 10 sections of the information leaflets, which requires the unification of information accordingly.
 We have reasoned that the information leaflets should contain information that is important for the correct use of the medicine, in order to prevent potentially dangerous consequences that may arise from incorrect preparation or dosage. We grounded the information leaflets should include a section on the disposal of expired or unused medicines to harmonize with the information leaflets іn the EU countries.

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