
The article considers problems of financing research studies in medicine at modern stage of allocation of financial support of scientific directions. In last several years situation in the Russian science cardinally changed and process of shaping new system of management of science. The sensitive issue of national science remains problem of inadequate financing. The actuality of the study is determined by putting into effect the most severe sanctions from some states. Therefore, to achieve import independence today the priority directions are determined, and among them special place occupies medicine. During last decade, the investments in medical science increased 4.3 times. The onset of coronavirus infection clearly demonstrated existing problems in health care systems of all countries hereby process of digitization. In crisis conditions, fast and qualitative medical data exchange became a priority direction formed among participants of health care system awareness about necessity to head jointly to intelligent medicine meeting actual challenges.The purpose of the study is to investigate problems of financing scientific research in medicine. The study results permit to conclude that further progressing development of scientific research in medicine depends on financial support so it is necessary to engage and private investments into development of science in The Russian Federation.

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