
Purpose. Today, there are several dozen models that allow us to calculate and predict water erosion soil loss. A considerable part of them is quite weighty comprehensive study, the implementation of media-art software packages and used in different regions of the world with a practical purpose. If spatial changeability of all factors of water erosion of soil is even taken into account, there are some problems of the practical use of such models. In particular, it is the verification of models, and the spatial generalization of the got results. A question appears here, which a size of elementary area of space – raster cell – must be, from what it depends and on what it influences. Methodology. To study the impact of the raster cell size of the final result of modeling and forecasting used the GIS-realized spatial model implemented flush-accumulation of soil that was developed at the Department of Physical Geography and Nature Use of Odessa Mechnikov National University. Spatial GIS-realized a model is approved on a few test areas of steppe and forest-steppe areas of Ukraine and Russian Federation. Finding. As a result of quantitative experiments it appeared that on the electronic maps with cell size 5 and 10 meters at the calculations of a coefficient of form of hillside catchments are expressly traced the structure of hillside rill network. Use of digital model of relief with the cell size more than 10 meters for calculations the coefficient of form of hillside catchments results in a volume, that a concentration or dispersion of temporal rills is not almost traced. It is got, that the spatial differentiation of soil washing off is identified at the cell size to 25 meters, at the increase of cell size the spatial distributing is smoothed out, and the variation of values of washing off for areas diminishes considerably. The nearest to the actual soil washing off from of experimental area Ploska (0.271 t/ha/year) is a average value at the cell size 10 meters – 0.233 t/ha/year (a difference makes -13.6 %). Results. The research of influence of raster cell size on the results of calculations of norm of the thundershower soil washing off with the use of spatial GIS-realized models showed that raster cell, at the first, had a considerable influence on end-point – distributing and size of soil washing off, at the second, in dependence there is authentication of structure of the hillside flowing down on the cell size, at the third, for small hillside area with the purpose of optimization of the land use expediently to use the cell size not more than 10 meters.

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