
It was investigated that the ecological condition of the Verkhnie Ivachiv water intake complex is determined by physicochemical, hydrological, biological (eutrophication), climatic (overdrying and water shortage), and anthropic (pollution) factors. Biogenic accumulation of nitrogen, phosphorus, and heavy metal compounds was detected in the process of water purification. The main problem of water quality in the Verkhnie Ivachiv water intake is rainwater runoff from the shores and the activities of the Malashiv landfill. It is established that the main factor influencing the surface water quality of Verkhnie Ivachiv reservoir is agriculture, which is manifested in the stable presence of ammonium nitrogen, nitrate and nitrite ions, increased biochemical oxygen consumption. Water quality is also significantly affected by anthropogenic pollution factors, primarily sewage from the Malashiv landfill, agricultural washout, disposal of organic matter, etc.

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