
The purpose of article is: to describe the effectiveness of the proposed system of formative influences on the development of dialogical qualities of Cognitive Activity of senior pupils, which was determined on the basis of comparison of initial and final sections made by the method of semantic analysis of pupils’ solutions of literary creative problems. The following theoretical methods of the research were used to solve the tasks formulated in the article: a categorical method, structural and functional methods, the methods of the analysis, systematization, modeling, generalization. Also in our research we used empirical methods, such as the experiment of the effectiveness of group forms of the pupils’ activity at the lessons. The results of the research. We showed that the analysis of the problem situation is carried out only at the superficial level of the development of dialogical qualities of Cognitive Activity of senior pupils. Pupils analyze only the content of the proposed task, do not try to focus their own attention and the attention of other schoolchildren on the problems of this creative task. Therefore, the statements of pupils are purely superficial, and based on them it is impossible to draw conclusions about the problem and on this basis to identify the ways to solve the problem creatively. According to this, it is impossible to speak about the tolerant attitude to the opinions of partners of communication in the process of such a discussion, because the superficial nature of suggestions does not provide great opportunities for productive communication of senior pupils in order to solve different problems creatively. According to the middle level of the development of dialogical qualities of Cognitive Activity of senior pupils in the educational process pupils explain and try to justify their own views according to proposed to them creative tasks, while actively cooperating with partners of communication, tried to be tolerant to other opinions and according to the proposed means of solving different problems. Senior pupils, analyzing their own statements and comparing them with the judgments of partners of communication, do not bring the process of solving a creative problem to a logical conclusion. When we tell about a high level of the development of dialogical qualities of Cognitive Activity of senior pupils in the educational process pupils clearly justify their positions, analyzing their own points of view and statements, comparing them with the opinions of partners of communication. At the same time, schoolchildren show tolerance towards other pupils, even completely opposite statements and means of solving creative tasks by the last ones. Pupils actively defended their positions, logically explaining and justifying them. Schoolchildren do not object to cooperation with partners of communication in the process of solving problematic creative tasks within small micro-groups and the whole class. Conclusions. It was proved that as the means of purposeful influence on the thinking abilities of pupils we considered solving cognitive tasks collected by schoolchildren into a special system. We define thinking as the highest degree of Cognitive Activity of the person. We believe that the mental development of the child can not be analyzed separately from the mental development as a whole, from the interests of the child, his/her feelings, from personal traits and qualities. Mental development is a complex phenomenon, which is characterized by a set of features and due to a number of reasons: the content of knowledge acquired by the child, methods of influencing the personality. Until now, there is no unambiguous definition of «mental development». We believe that «mental development» is a complex dynamic system of quantitative and qualitative changes that occur in human mental activity in the connection with age and enrichment of life experience of pupils (in accordance with the socio-historical conditions in which schoolchildren live and according to individual characteristics of pupils’ thinking).

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