
The article deals with the problem of the civil state in the philosophу of al-Farabi. Although the origins of the scientist’s views on civil politics go back to the ideas of Plato and Aristotle about wisdom, common sense and courage, he managed to form his own political and legal concept based on medieval Eastern philosophical teachings. The main philosophical views of the scientist about the civil society are presented in many of his treatises, especially in such as “Aro-u ahl madinati al-fazil” (Views of the residents of a virtuous city), “As-siyasatu al-madaniyat” (Civil policy), “Tahsil ala as-saada” (On achieving happiness), etc. The author claims that al-Farabi paid special attention to such concepts as “the first ruler”, “just ruler”, “perfect person”, “imam”, “philosopher”, which means a person who is worthy to lead a civil society. Since, according to the teachings of al-Farabi, the first ruler is not limited to simple knowledge and for this reason must be elected among the people.

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