
Introduction. The article is devoted to the theoretical understanding of the problem of subjectivity in psychological knowledge, through the knowledge of the substantive characteristics of this concept and the establishment of their functional role. The problem of subjectivity has long been interested in both philosophers and psychologists of various schools. Dealing with the problems of pedagogical psychology, there is a stable relationship between the results of training and the development of the subjectivity of students.Materials and Methods. In the preparation and implementation of scientific research, a theoretical analysis of domestic and foreign literature, the study of scientific articles and publications on the topic was used; synthesis and systematization of the results of domestic and foreign studies; content analysis.Results. The article summarizes theoretical ideas about the phenomenon of subjectivity in domestic and foreign psychology, revealed its systemic content and functional characteristics, as well as the criteria for their selection. Theoretical generalizations allowed the author to formulate a definition of the definition of subjectivity in relation to the goals and objectives of the study.Discussion and Conclusions. As the category "subject" is differentiated, it is noticed that this concept is used to describe various areas - on the one hand, and the centralization of the concept – on the other hand. In the first case, such expressions as "subject of activity," "subject of communication," "subject of knowledge," etc. are known.In the second case, a certain globalization of the category occurs, which allows you to characterize multiple areas of human life, the phrase "subject of life" is used here. Subjective experience, as opposed to objective, provides for the use of the subject as a tool of cognition. Subjectivity arises at a certain stage of personality development as a new systemic quality of personality that can change the specifics of human behavior. Subjectivity performs an organizational function in theconstruction of its activities and life relations. The function of assigning human and cultural functions. The function of realizing the maturity of the "I-concept" of the personality, providing self-identification of the personality. The function of developing and implementing life strategies. Function of personality self-development. Function of motivational hardness of personality. Function of responsibility for their activities.

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