
Alcoholism and drug addiction are concomitant or indirect causes of death in almost all subclasses of diseases, as well as frequent causes of violent death. In the field of detection, treatment, prevention and support of the studied group of patients, there is a huge number of problems, such as anosognosia, possible limitation of patients' rights, socially restrictive nature of addiction care, etc. As a result, patients taking psychoactive substances, have significantly reduced motivation to appeal to narcologists. There are many systemic organizational problems in the work of the addiction service, which significantly hamper the routing of patients, which differs from the routing of patients of somatic profile. In relation to this, scientific research aimed at optimizing drug addiction service is of particular relevance. In addition, each subject of the Russian Federation has a number of features (territorial, economic, i.e.), and this indicates the need to study certain types of specialized assistance, taking into account the characteristics of each specific region. There are several levels of patient routing, each of which includes certain tasks, components, and indicates the expected result. The routing of addictive patients has its own peculiarities, related both to temporary isolation of patients and to further long-term rehabilitation. As a result, the model of highly specialized care for patients using psychoactive substances does not allow involving the greatest possible number of people in need in each stage of therapy and does not contribute to solving the main public health problems. Despite the obvious availability of this type of assistance, for most potential customers it remains unattractive.

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