
Introduction. Nowadays the problem of early identification of abilities and giftedness of the younger generation is becoming increasingly important due to the need to unleash personal and intellectual potential of each person. The pedagogical giftedness identified at the early stages of the system of continuous education is considered as the basis for the professional mastery of a teacher, allowing achieve success in professional activity. Identification of pedagogical abilities at the stage of school education makes it possible to optimize the process of early professionalization and contributes to a more thorough, conscious choice of the future pedagogical profession by school leavers. The purpose of this article is to identify the structural components of students' pedagogical giftedness. Materials and Methods. To identify the level of formation of the universal component, the following methods were used: R. Amthauer's intelligence structure test (IST); diagnostics of personal creativity E.E. Tunik; a special component - the test "Communicative and organizational inclinations" by V.V. Sinyavsky and V.A. Fedoroshin (COI); personality component – 16PF Cattell test (Form C), temperament structure questionnaire OST-150/STQ by V.M. Rusalov, Approximate Diagnostic Questionnaire of Interests (ADQI) by S.Ya. Karpilovskaya. Results. Theoretical analysis of the problem, factorial and correlation types of analysis made it possible to determine the structure of early pedagogical giftedness of students, including 5 components in it: social and practical, providing intellectual potential in the field of practical activity and social success; communicative and creative factor – including creativity, organizational and communication skills; regulatory – involving the ability to self-control, moral regulation and emotional stability; intellectual and pedagogical – underlying the ability of a future teacher to think independently and make informed decisions, combined with an interest in pedagogical activity; leadership – as the ability to communicate the ability to lead. Positive correlations were identified between the components of pedagogical talent: general intelligence and diplomacy (r=0.309 at p=0.016); creativity and moral normativity (r=0.274 at p=0.013), emotional stability (r=0.266 at p=0.016) and communication skills (r=0.523 at p=0.000); practical intelligence and organizational skills (r=0.306 at p=0.024); independent thinking and interest in pedagogy (r=0.407 at p=0.02); interest in pedagogy and communication skills (r = 0.277 at p = 0.039), etc. Conclusion. The structural components of pedagogical giftedness identified by the authors expand the idea of the possibility of developing the personal and intellectual potential of students and can act as a prerequisite for the development of professional abilities that ensure the possibility of achieving success in the field of pedagogical activity.

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