
In the twenty-first century, there was a sharp increase in migration from sub-Saharan Africa to Algeria, and the Sahel zone became a hot stop for illegal human smuggling. Some immigrants go to the north of the country to continue their journey to Europe; others remain in Algeria, treating it as a destination country and do not continue their journey. Algeria has been repeatedly accused of using illegal practices against migrants, such as deportations, pushbacks, and detentions. The aim of the article is to try to assess the scale of the problem of illegal immigration in Algeria based on available statistical data and their periodisation. The main routes taken by migrants will be described, as well as the basic principles of migration policy in Algeria. The following hypotheses were put forward: 1) Algeria is mainly a transit country for migrants from sub-Saharan Africa; 2) The main irregular migration routes lead from the Sahel zone; 3) There is unequal treatment of people in terms of violations of Algerian law (division into Algerians and others). For the purposes of the article, the following research methods were used – analysis and synthesis, comparative method, statistical method, and systemic approach.

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