
Potential energy curves for inner-shell states of nitrogen and carbon dioxide molecules are calculated by inner-shell complete active space self-consistent field (CASSCF) method, which is a protocol, recently proposed, to obtain specifically converged inner-shell states at multiconfigurational level. This is possible since the collapse of the wave function to a low-lying state is avoided by a sequence of constrained optimization in the orbital mixing step. The problem of localization of K-shell states is revisited by calculating their energies at CASSCF level based on both localized and delocalized orbitals. The localized basis presents the best results at this level of calculation. Transition energies are also calculated by perturbation theory, by taking the above mentioned MCSCF function as zeroth order wave function. Values for transition energy are in fairly good agreement with experimental ones. Bond dissociation energies for N(2) are considerably high, which means that these states are strongly bound. Potential curves along ground state normal modes of CO(2) indicate the occurrence of Renner-Teller effect in inner-shell states.

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