
The article is devoted to the actual theoretical and practical problem of today - the creation of Crimean Tatar autonomy. The author responds to the discussions about this problem, which have flared up in the intellectual space of Ukraine in recent months, and offers his view on it. The article analyzes in detail the arguments of opponents of the creation of such autonomy and proves that these arguments are based either on ignorance of historical and political facts, or are based on a deliberate distortion of reality. The Crimean Tatars (Crimeans, Cyrimly) are, according to the law, one of the three indigenous peoples of Ukraine, and according to history, they are a state-creating nation. In 1917-18, the Crimean Tatars attempted to build an independent state on modern foundations. This attempt was destroyed first by the "Red" and then by the "White" Russians. In 1921, the Bolsheviks were forced to create an autonomous republic in Crimea within the borders of Russia in order to ensure the national needs of the Crimean Tatars. In 1928, 1937-38 and 1944, the Crimean Tatars became victims of mass repressions, the last time – victims of deportation and genocide. The author emphasizes that upon returning to Crimea, the Crimeans became one of the main pillars of Ukraine on the peninsula in the fight against Russia's attempts to annex Crimea. In 2014, official Kyiv betrayed the Crimean Tatars, who were ready to oppose Russia with weapons in their hands, and in 2016 it prevented the formation of the Crimean Tatar volunteer battalion. Therefore, the creation of Crimean Tatar autonomy is not only the realization of the legal right of the Cyrimly as an indigenous people, but also the atonement of the guilt committed by the official Kyiv against the Crimean Tatars. Instead, denying the need to create such autonomy or ignoring the need for it can seriously undermine Ukraine's position both in Crimea and in the entire Turkic world.

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