
The following article focuses on the problem of childhood safety. The phenomenon of childhood is studied in the context of the national policy of the Russian Federation. In modern society, state and science, the importance of social protection of an individual has been prioritized. One can see systematic changes in the legislation of norms regulating the sphere of social security. Social law as an independent branch in the system of domestic law, however, has not yet developed, therefore certain incoherence exists. All this, nonetheless, has triggered scientific discussions on possible directions of the state’s social policy, and in particular, the policy on children’s safety. The necessity of prioritizing childhood safety and security, defining it as a pivotal direction in the national policy is determined primarily by certain crisis phenomena taking place in contemporary Russian society. Moreover, designing and implementation of the most effective ways of guaranteeing children’s wellbeing is regarded as crucial. The article deals with various risk factors that can negatively affect childhood, as well as mechanisms of social protection of children. Particular emphasis is placed on the study of the development of Russian legislation in the field of social policy, including the emergence of fundamentally new institutions (for example, maternity capital). The article offers a definition of the concepts “social security”, “social policy”, and “childhood”, and examines the existing model of national social protection in Russia. Improving the quality of life of the population, strengthening Russian citizens’ health, ensuring stable demographic development of Russia are named among the main long-term national interests in the National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation. The above-mentioned objectives are equated with such large-scale interests as strengthening the state’s defense capacity, ensuring the inviolability of the constitutional system, state sovereignty, territorial integrity, etc., which confirms the relevance and importance of the topic in question.

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