
Relevance. Widespread irrational use of antibiotics has turned antimicrobial resistance into a global problem not only in veterinary medicine, but also in healthcare, which is exacerbated by the cessation of antibiotic development. This study will help practitioners to promptly make decisions on the choice of tactics of antibacterial treatment even before the results of laboratory diagnostics.The aim of the study is to conduct a cross–sectional study for 2023 on the territory of the Moscow metropolis, aimed at determining the most common opportunistic pathogens in companion animal populations detected in diseases of various organ groups, while simultaneously investigating the phenomenon of antibiotic resistance and compiling a list of antibacterial agents with ranking by their effectiveness.Methods. The determination of antibiotic sensitivity was carried out by the discodiffuse method (DDM) in accordance with MUC 4.2.1890-04 “Determination of the sensitivity of microorganisms to antibacterial drugs”.Results. As a result of the research work, a study of samples of microbiological crops taken from companion animals (parrots, cats and domestic dogs) on the territory of the Moscow metropolis was carried out and 258 pathogens were identified.The most common bacteria were identified: epidermidis and Escherichia. coli are most often isolated from the urinary system of animals;gram-negative pathogens with a predominance of coli strains are most often isolated from the gastrointestinal tract;in dermatological diseases of animals, gram-positive bacteria with the dominance of spp. are most often isolated.The antibiotic resistance of pathogens was investigated, as well as the ranking of antibacterial drugs by effectiveness to certain types of microorganisms was carried out.

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