
Rapid progression to AIDS after acute infection with a multidrug-resistant (MDR), dual-tropic strain of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) was reported in a New York City man (hereafter referred to as "NYC") who has sex with men. The probable source of this HIV-1 (hereafter referred to as "CT01") and the development of a recombinant MDR HIV-1 in the source's partner (hereafter referred to as "CT02") are described. After identification of the epidemiological link of CT01 and CT02 to NYC, viral sequences and phenotypic analyses were compared. Confirmatory genotypic and phenotypic analyses, replicative capacity, and viral coreceptor use were assessed. Viral recombination was assessed using a sliding window technique and phylogenetic tree analysis. NYC and CT01 were linked historically and epidemiologically and were genetically confirmed from CT01's samples acquired 2 days before and subsequent to the transmission event. Genotypic, recombination, and phylogenetic analyses suggest CT02 became superinfected by CT01 with subsequent production of a recombinant panresistant HIV-1. The probable source of a dual-tropic, MDR HIV-1 that was associated with rapid progression to AIDS is illustrated, suggesting progression was not explained by the HIV-1 variant alone. A probable second finding of a chronically infected host becoming superinfected with MDR HIV-1 with subsequent formation of a panresistant recombinant HIV-1 is described. This case illustrates the public health implications of unsafe sex between serodiscordant and seroconcordant partners.

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