
The Trans-Canada Telephone System announced on March 8, 1971 that it will build a digital data network across Canada. The probable speeds in service between Montreal, Ottawa, and Calgary will be 2400, 4800, 9600, and 48 000 bits/s. This network will expand to other geographical points within Canada in 1972. At the time of its inauguration it will be Canada's and probably the world's only digital network. Plans are underway to interconnect will the United States at such major gateways as Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Calgary, and Vancouver. Customer demands in both countries will affect the timing for the introduction of line switching, packet switching, and additional speeds. Modern transaction handling capability will be available at major network nodes. Clocks will be installed at all major nodes to handle synchronized transmission. Multiplexers and concentrators will be introduced to derive better utilization of private line digital trunks. The error rate performance between any two geographical points is expected to be better than one error in 107bits transmitted. Regenerative repeaters will be utilized at breakout points along the microwave long-haul routes. Newly designed digital transmission systems will be used for long loops instead of conventional techniques.

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