
The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is the virus that causes AIDS, while many viruses can be controlled by the immune system but not a HIV virus. According to an estimate of UNAIDS (1998) although HIV prevalence rate is low (around 1 percent), the overall number of people with HIV infection to high. The majority of the reported AIDS cases have occurred in the sexually active and economically productive age group. Earlier men were main transmitters of the disease but now studies are showing that females are also transmitting the disease to males. The proposed model is tested set of data on the number of young unmarried female migrants and is satisfactory. According to the present study, the value of X 2 =5.733 with three degree of freedom at 5% level of significance indicate that the proposed probability model fitted well to the distribution of female migrants. The estimated value of = 0.8039 of the proportion of female migrants having at least one boy friend is very high because most at the young migrants believe that their friends watch pornographic material with us and they are more vulnerable to STDs and HIV/AIDs. The present study states that the probability of closed boyfriends attached with the young unmarried female migrants is p = 0.4400 which is also approaching to fifty percent.

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