
The article examines the principle of "tensegrity" as the basis of health nowadays. The existence of such approaches to the study of health problems as: norm-centric, phenomenological, holistic, discursive, integrative, evolutionist, socially-oriented, norm-centric, phenomenological are mentioned. The problem of formation and preservation of health is one of the main and urgent problems of humanity today. The desire to increase its level leads to the need to constantly review the issue of health formation, search for more effective health systems and methods, and develop new health care technologies.
 It has been established that this term refers to structures whose integrity is maintained due to the balance between the forces of constant tension. It has been proven that problems in one area of the body can be caused by existing clamps in other parts of the body. Pathology occurs either as a result of congenital weakness, or a previous injury or due to compression in a certain part of the human body. Our whole body is built according to the principle of "tensegrity" and if there is an imbalance in certain organs or structures there will be a violation of the state of health that would accurately and accurately identify the causes of health disorders in the early stages, and could be eliminated with the help of safe action algorithms.

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