
Problem statement. Theoretical researches conducted in many countries showed that active suspension systems which use acceleration as a signal of reverse connection or absolute speed allow to improvie operational qualities and stability of transport greatly. The researches were made on the models with one degree of freedom. During the research amplitude-frequency characteristics were built and they were used while checking the management system in active power coefficient changes. Amplification coefficients of the management system were chosen by means of simple permutation. The results of the research showed that the level of body acceleration with single-step suspension system was reduced a half. The creation of effective devices of active management of dynamic processes is impossible without knowledge of theoretical basis – the law of management. The decision of common problem of active management is well-known from the theory of optimal management, but the practical results were obtained only for the simplest models. In the work [9] the law of active management by the method of dynamic programming for continuous stochastic systems for fixed regimes of transport movement is obtained. The estimated scheme looked like a double-mass mechanic system with two degrees of freedom. As the criteria for optimality quadratic quality functional was taken into account. The mass coefficients of functional were chosen freely, i.e. the authors have not decided on the question of quality coefficient functional choice. The author of the work [1] offered technical intakes which permit using matrix method of dynamic programming towards the synthesis of complex systems parameters and developing methodology of gradual designing of the suspension transport coaches system. Purpose of the article – to obtain the law of the optimal management according to the method of stochastic dynamic programming and develop the scheme of program management of parameters of elastic-dissipative connections of the suspension transport system. Methodology. The algorithm of stochastic dynamic method of programming for systems with degrees of loose has been examined and the law of the optimal management parameters of elastic-dissipative connections has been obtained. Results. Analytical expression of the law of the optimal management parameters of elastic-dissipative connections is obtained that contains the vector of the system state evaluation. The elements of vector evaluation are the generalized coordinates and speed, i.e. active management power must not contain generalized acceleration. The scheme of program management of parameters of elastic-dissipative connections of suspension system has been developed. Scientific novelty. The principle of program management of parameters of elastic-dissipative connections of the suspension transport system is proposed. Practical relevance. There are all necessary preconditions for the creation of local high-speed transport.

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