
Chinese Abstract: 在电磁波谱中,从0Hz电磁波(即光的量子传输中,光量子传输的电磁波频率;光的量子传输并不是幽灵传输,而是0Hz电磁波传输,由于其响应速度快于电子的响应速度,所以表面上显示其速度快于光速),到长波、短波、微波,即波长为3×108m-1mm;再到红外线: 1000um-0.76um,可见光: 760nm-380nm,再到紫外线、X射线、γ射线、紫移γ射线(正负电子相遇形成的γ射线光子为电磁波中最高频率电磁波,高于γ射线光子的电磁波为紫移γ射线,可以认为是γ射线与测量者之间产生“超光速”相对运动产生的γ射线紫移现象)。那么,从电磁波谱中可以看出:从长波、短波、微波都能把电磁波直接转变成电能,即由电磁波直接发电。从可见光: 760nm-380nm,再到紫外线、X射线、γ射线、紫移γ射线也都可以把电磁波直接转变成电能,即由电磁波直接发电,这就是太阳能电版。目前只有红外线波段:红外线 1000um-0.76um,还不能把电磁波直接转变成电能,即由电磁波直接发电。 再从热辐射定理可知,从绝对零度:-273.15k开始(在绝对零度时,也就是说,当T=-273.15k时,任何物质不向外辐射任何热能光子即电磁波光子),即当T≥-273.15k时,热辐射电磁波的波长L≤1mm,也就是说,即使把任何物质温度降低到接近绝对零度时,其对外辐射的电磁波的波长也小于1mm,1mm是热射辐的电磁波光子的最长波长极限值。随着温度T越高,其热辐射光子电磁波的正态分布即麦克斯韦速度分布律波长越短。其热辐射光量子电磁波的能量也越大。所以,目前的热能电版在某一临界温度以上,即当t≥T(T为临界温度)时,热能电版就可以把环境温度中的热能源源不断地由热能电版转变成电能。 热能电版的主要规格:大小1×1㎝2为电池单元,由6层组成,厚5um,工作状态下,最大电流可达1A。 本文在是从这个原理出发,填补这一电磁波段的空白,即从原理、设计过程、全世界实验数据总结等等,发明热能电版。 热能电版有着广泛的前景:一是可以用于心脏启博器中的永久电源;二是可用于核电池,即核电站的发电己不需要,都可由热能电版来完成热能和电能的转换,而且其热能利用率大大提高。三是可以产生大量地非化石能源,对于减少全球碳排放做出巨大的贡献。 English Abstract: In the electromagnetic spectrum,In the quantum transmission of light, the frequency of the quantum wave of the photon is 0Hz; the quantum transmission of light is not the ghost transmission, but the 0Hz electromagnetic wave transmission, because its response speed is faster than the electronic response speed, So the surface looks like its speed faster than the speed of light), From 0Hz electromagnetic wave to long wave, short wave, microwave, is the wavelength of 3 × 108m-1mm; then to the infrared: 1000um-0.76um, visible light: 760nm-380nm, and then to ultraviolet, X-ray, γ-ray, The γ-ray photon formed by the positive and negative electrons is the highest frequency electromagnetic wave in the electromagnetic wave. The electromagnetic wave above the γ-ray photon is the purple-shifted γ-ray, which can be regarded as γ-ray generated by the relative movement between the γ-ray and the measured superluminal Purple shift phenomenon), So, from the electromagnetic spectrum can be seen: from the long wave, short wave, microwave can be directly into electromagnetic energy, that is, by the electromagnetic waves directly generate electricity. From the visible light: 760nm-380nm, and then to the ultraviolet, X-ray, γ-ray, purple shift γ-ray can also be directly into electromagnetic energy, that is, by the electromagnetic wave power generation, which is solar panels. At present, only the infrared band: infrared 1000um-0.76um, can not directly convert electromagnetic waves into electrical energy. That is, by the infrared electromagnetic wave energy can be directly converted into electrical energy. From the heat radiation theorem, we can start from the absolute zero: -273.15k (At absolute zero, that is, when T = -273.15k, any matter does not radiate any heat to the photon namely electromagnetic wave photon). That is, when T ≥ -273.15K, the wavelength of the radiated electromagnetic wave is L ≤ 1mm, that is, even if the temperature of any matter is reduced to near absolute zero, when the wavelength of the external radiation is less than 1mm, 1mm is hot Radiation of the maximum wavelength of the electromagnetic wave photon. With the higher temperature T, the shorter the wavelength of the heat radiation photon of the normal distribution of the Maxwell velocity distribution law, the greater the energy of the thermal radiation quantum electromagnetic waves. Therefore, the current heat energy panels work in a critical temperature above, that is, when t ≥ T (T is the critical temperature). heat energy panels can keep on putting the ambient temperature of the heat into electricity. The main specifications of the heat energy panels: size 1 × 1 ㎝2 for the battery unit, composed of six layers, 5um thick, working conditions, the maximum current up to 1A. This paper is from this principle, to fill the gap of this electromagnetic band, that is, from the principle, the design process, the world's experimental data summary, etc., invented heat energy panels. heat energy panels has a wide range of prospects: First, can be used for heart burner in the permanent power; the second is available for nuclear power, that is, nuclear power generation has no need, Can be used by heat energy panels to achieve thermal and electrical conversion and its thermal efficiency greatly improved. The third is to produce a large number of non-fossil energy, to reduce global carbon emissions to make a huge contribution.

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