
This study aimed at determining the program, implementation, evaluation, and looking at the supporting and inhibiting factors faced by the school principal of Madrasah Aliyah in carrying out their duties as supervisors. The method used in this study is qualitative with a descriptive approach. This study is conducted in Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 3 Padang. Meanwhile, for data collection techniques, this study employs observation, interviews, and documentation with the research subject of madrasah principal, vice-principal of the madrasah, and teachers totaling 49 people. Data analysis is executed by reducing, displaying, drawing conclusions, and verifying data. It was found that the supervision program was established at the beginning of the year through meeting activities involving all madrasah personnel which was carried out according to a predetermined schedule. Supervision is carried out on individual teachers and groups with class visits, teacher meetings, group discussions, exchange of experiences, and seminars. Supervision evaluation is carried out at the end of each semester by improving the goals that have not been achieved and making improvements in the preparation of the next program. The supporting factor for the implementation of supervision is the teacher responding positively and the establishment of a good relationship between the madrasah principal and the teachers so that it raises the awareness of the teachers to improve their abilities. Meanwhile, the obstacles in this study were the implementation of this supervision are due to the busyness of the madrasah principal and the absence of the teacher when the supervision is carried out.


  • This study aimed at determining the program, implementation, evaluation, and looking at the supporting and inhibiting factors faced by the school principal of Madrasah Aliyah in carrying out their duties as supervisors

  • Education is a learning activity carried out by providing insight so that it can foster a way of thinking, feeling, and its function and role in life. This description is illustrated in the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System, in Chapter, I Article 1 Paragraph (2) it is stipulated that “National education is education based

  • The supervision program is outlined in the annual program and semester program

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This study aimed at determining the program, implementation, evaluation, and looking at the supporting and inhibiting factors faced by the school principal of Madrasah Aliyah in carrying out their duties as supervisors. Education is a learning activity carried out by providing insight so that it can foster a way of thinking, feeling, and its function and role in life. Madrasah institutions are the institutions implementing the lessons that guide learning activities to achieve educational goals. According to Suryosubroto (2010), the principal is a leader who is used as a reference for personnel and staff in the school environment, s(he) should provide examples and good guidance in achieving the goals of implementing education in schools to the fullest. The responsibility of the madrasah principal for the improvement and progress of the implementation of lessons refers to the program that has been determined. The same thing was conveyed by Kusumaningrum (2020) that the principal is responsible for communicating goals, which must be widely known and supported throughout the school

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