
Aim. To explore the image of M. V. Mishustin, formed in the minds of residents of the Bryansk region, and its correlation with the ideal perceptions of citizens about high-level officials.Methodology. The methods of “case-study”, the in-depth focused interviews using stimulus material in the form of a black-and-white photograph of M. V. Mishustin, analysis of documents and other secondary evidence were used. The study was conducted in 2021–2022 in the Bryansk region. A total of 40 in-depth interviews were conducted.Results. Based on a comparative analysis of the images of real and ideal ministers, it was concluded that M.V. Mishustin more closely corresponds to the ideal perceptions of residents of the Bryansk region.Research implications. The theoretical and practical significance lies in the estimation of regional specifics of political leader perception as well as in correlation between real images of politicians and their ideal perceptions that exist in the mass consciousness. The differences between the real and ideal revealed in the course of the study provide means for correcting the political leader’s image and building trust-based relationships between the authorities and Russian population.

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