
The article is devoted to the study problems associated with the education of graduates of medical universities. The aim of the study is to explore possible ways to optimize the training of students for the practical exam in the simulation center, taking into account their educational needs A questionnaire was developed to assess students ‘attitude to choosing the optimal method of training, including questions about the socio-demographic characteristics of the respondents, the most difficult practical exam stations, the choice of the optimal method of training and the level of students’ involvement into the process of self education for the exam during the 6th year. Statistical data processing was performed using the SPSS 20.0 software package (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). The study included 100 students randomly selected from among those enrolled in the 6th year of the medical faculty of the NWSMU. I.I. Mechnikov. Data analysis showed that the most difficult stations are “Providing emergency medical care” and “Emergency states”. The “training with a teacher in a simulation center” had the highest rating from all proposed education methods. Neither the socio-demographic characteristics nor the form of funding for education had an effect on this choice. Despite of fears related to the complexity of these stations, the number of people trying to master them was 40%. Conclusions. 1. The most difficult for students are the skills of providing emergency medical care. This choice was not influenced by gender, age or experience in the health care system. 2. It is necessary to make changes in the curricula of medical students in accordance with the requirements of the professional standard of the district physician, whose work functions include the provision of emergency medical care. 3. The involvement of teachers into the process of preparing students for emergency and urgent care should begin at the 5th year and be systematic. 4. It is necessary to motivate students to systematic self-study of materials on the methodology for providing emergency and urgent care presented on the website of the Methodological Center for Accreditation.


  • Статья посвящена изучению проблем, связанных с подготовкой выпускников медицинских вузов

  • The article is devoted to the study problems associated with the education of graduates of medical universities

  • The aim of the study is to explore possible ways to optimize the training of students for the practical exam in the simulation center, taking into account their educational needs A questionnaire was developed to assess students ‘attitude to choosing the optimal method of training, including questions about the socio-demographic characteristics of the respondents, the most difficult practical exam stations, the choice of the optimal method of training and the level of students’ involvement into the process of self education

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Оригинальное исследование

1. Наиболее сложными для студентов стали навыки оказания экстренной и неотложной медицинской помощи. 2. Необходимо внесение изменений в программы обучения студентов медицинских вузов в соответствии с требованиями профессионального стандарта участкового терапевта, в трудовые функции которого входит оказание неотложной или экстренной медицинской помощи пациенту. 4. Необходимо мотивировать студентов к планомерной самостоятельной проработке материалов по оказанию экстренной и неотложной помощи, представленных на сайте Федерального методического центра аккредитации. 1. The most difficult for students are the skills of providing emergency medical care. Процедура состоит из оценки знаний с помощью тестирования и решения ситуационных задач, а также проверки практических навыков в условиях, симулирующих различные клинические ситуации, в том числе оказание экстренной и неотложной помощи, базовую сердечно-легочную реанимацию, коммуникативные навыки с использованием стандартизованного пациента по типу объективного структурированного клинического экзамена (ОСКЭ) [3]. Цель исследования — изучить возможные пути оптимизации подготовки студентов к практическому экзамену в условиях симуляционного центра с учетом их образовательных потребностей

Материалы и методы
Результаты и их обсуждение
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