
Introduction: Spinal cord injury (MRT) is a traumatic external injury that compromises or not the function of the spinal cord or nerve roots. In Brazil it is estimated that about 40 new cases per year per million inhabitants occur. OBJECTIVES: To compare scientific publications through an integrative review, related to the prevalence of MRT in young adults in Brazil. Methodology: This is an integrative review based on articles from LILACS (Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences) and SCIELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online), published from 2007 to 2017. It was built in the following phases: 1) problem formulation 2) data collection 3) data evaluation 4) analysis and interpretation 5) presentation of results. Results and Discussion: It was observed that the articles found that deal with spinal cord trauma, point to the prevalence of MRT in an age group that picks up from childhood the old age being more recurrent in young male adults. The results reveal that accidents involving cervical trauma are more frequent in the age group of 20- to 30-year-old males. It has also been observed in state hospitals that TRM injuries generate a longer time of hospitalization and, consequently, an increase in hospitalization costs. The main etiologies of TRM were falls and traffic accidents with cars and motorcycles. Conclusion: It is extremely important to educate the population about the risks of TRM through health education, as well as the creation of preventive campaigns both to reduce the occurrence of traffic accidents and to reduce the incidence of falls.

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