
The aim is to determine the prevalence of dentition defects and secondary dento-maxillaire deformities in different periods of formation of the dento-maxillary system among the child population of Kyiv and the need for their therapeutic and prophylactic prosthetics, assess the level of prosthodontics care provided to them.
 Materials and methods. To determine the prevalence of dento-maxillary anomalies, dentition defects, and secondary dento-maxillary deformities, we examined 2276 children and adolescents aged 4 to 17 years in educational institutions in Kyiv for the 2017-2018 period.
 Results of the research. The prevalence of dento-maxillary anomalies among child population is 65.2%. Angle class I holds first place with 45,8% (among the anomalies of individual teeth), Angle class II comes second with 15,2%, the third place is occupied by Angle class III with 4,2%.
 Secondary dento-maxillary deformities caused by the early loss of both permanent and especially temporary teeth have become more common among the child population. The main reason for their occurrence is timely uncompensated dentition defects, which was confirmed by mass examinations of children aged 4 to 17 years in schools and kindergartens.
 Dentition defects of various sizes and localization were observed in 359 out of 2276 children, which is 15.8% of the total number of those examined. Tooth loss is most often caused by caries, its complications, and trauma, a little less often – by retention and anodontia.
 Secondary dento-maxillary deformities (dento-maxillary lengthening of teeth that have lost their antagonists; the inclination of the teeth towards the defect with displacement) were found in 278 children, which amounted to 12.2% of the total number of examined children, and 77.4% of the detected dentition defects (359 children).
 The obtained data indicate deterioration in the organization and implementation of oral cavity sanitation among the child population, which requires immediate measures to implement programs aimed at early identification and prevention of severe morphological and functional disorders of the dentition.
 Conclusions. The results of the obtained findings show a high prevalence of dento-maxillary anomalies among the child population – 65.2% (1484 people), and only 34.8% (792 people) had no orthodontic pathology.
 Dentition defects were diagnosed in 359 people, which is 15.8% of the total number of the examined children. Secondary dento-maxillary deformities were diagnosed in 278 people of the total number of the examined children (2276 people), that is 12.2% of the total number of the diagnosed dentition defects (359 cases) – 77.4%. Most often, secondary deformities occur between 6 and 11 years of age, that is, in the mixed dentition period of occlusion.
 The main reason for their occurrence was the inefficient prosthesis of dentition defects or its absence. Dentition defects are caused by premature removal of temporary teeth due to complications of caries, trauma, retention, and congenital absence of teeth.


  • Dentition defects of various sizes and localization were observed in 359 out of 2276 children, which is 15.8% of the total number of those examined

  • To determine the prevalence of dento-maxillary anomalies, dentition defects, and secondary dento-maxillary deformities, we examined 2276 children and adolescents aged 4 to 17 years in educational institutions in Kyiv for the 2017-2018 period

  • Dentition defects are caused by premature removal of temporary teeth due to complications of caries, trauma, retention, and congenital absence of teeth

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ПВНЗ «Київський медичний університет» «Підвищення ефективності ортопедичного і ортодонтичного лікування хворих з дефектами зубів, зубних рядів, аномаліями та деформаціями зубощелепного апарату» Мета дослідження – визначити поширеність дефектів зубних рядів і вторинних зубощелепних деформацій (ВЗЩД) у різні періоди формування зубощéлепного апарату серед дитячого населення м. Поширеність зубощелепних аномалій серед дітей і підлітків, за даними масових оглядів, коливається в межах від 15% до 70% [2,3,4]. Суттєво різняться дані щодо поширеності дефектів зубних рядів у дитячому й підлітковому віці, яка, за даними епідеміологічних досліджень, складає від 0,3% до 10%, і за звертанням у клініку – від 5% до 40% [1,2,3,6,7,8,9]. Проведені науковцями дослідження вказують на високий рівень морфологічних і функціональних порушень у зубощелепно-лицевій ділянці в дітей і підлітків не лише при ранній втраті зубів, а і при зниженні висоти клінічних коронок жувальних зубів унаслідок їх руйнування каріозним процесом, на фоні збереження цілісності зубного ряду, що складає від 27,9% до. Несвоєчасне ортопедичне лікування ДЗР практично завжди призводить до морфо-функціональних змін щелепно-лицевої ділянки і до виникнення зубощелепних деформацій і функціонально-естетичних порушень [3]

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