
<h3>To the Editor.—</h3> I wish to respond to the magnificent report by Reuler et al<sup>1</sup>in which they point out the protean nature of adult scurvy and raise the question as to the real incidence and prevalence of hypovitaminosis C. I should like to provide two specific pieces of data. First, Schorah<sup>2</sup>reviewed the literature on this very subject (Table) and concluded that somewhere between 3% of young and healthy subjects and 100% of the institutionalized young suffer from hypovitaminosis C and 0% (healthy young subjects) to 50% (institutionalized elderly) may possibly demonstrate classic scurvy. In our clinic we have examined the epidemiology of vitamin C in four unique populations with over 4,000 subjects including the following: (1) a dental school patient population,<sup>3</sup>(2) patients in a dental prepayment program,<sup>4</sup>(3) orthodontic patients,<sup>5,6</sup>and (4) a selected group of Floridian dentists and their staffs.<sup>7,8</sup>Depending

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