
Abstract Background Diabetic retinopathy is a chronic progressive, potentially sight threatening disease of the retinal microvasculature associated with the prolonged hyperglycaemia and other conditions linked to diabetes mellitus such as hypertension Aim detect the prevalence of diabetic retinopathy in type 1 diabetic subjects in relation to duration of diabetes, control of blood glucose level and other micro-vascular complications. Patients and Methods This was a cross sectional study conducted on 120 patients attending diabetes outpatient clinic at ain shams university hospital during period from april 2020 to October 2020 to detect the prevalence of diabetic retinopathy in type 1 diabetic subjects in relation to duration of diabetes, control of blood glucose level and other micro-vascular complications Patients were subjected to full history taking and clinical examination. DN4 questionnaire for neuropathy assessment, Laboratory investigations included; fasting blood sugar, 2 hour post prandial blood glucose, (glycated haemoglobin HBAIC), serum creatinine and albumin/creatinine ratio, also all patients subjected to detailed fundus examnation using ophthalmoscope. Results Our study show that total patients of study is 120 patient, fundus examination results revealed that 66 of them normal fundus (55%), 17 mderate NPDR (14.17%), 8 sever NPDR (6.67%), 29 PDR (24.17%). Also show that there is statistically significant relation between fundus examination results and (age of the patient, duration of diabetes mellitus and smoking) also clinical data (SBP, DBP, pulse and BMI) also laboratory data (FBS, 2h PPBG, HBA1C and albumin /creatinine ratio). Also show that there is statistically significant relation between fundus examination results and total insulin dose and DN4 questionnaire. The study also show that there is no significant relation between fundus examination results and (gender, s. creatinine level, family history of diabetes or type of basal insulin). Conclusion DR. is a progressive blinding disease that affects 4.2 million people worldwide, making it a leading cause of blindness in adults and this number is expected to continue to increase. DR. affected by age of the patient, duration of diabetes mellitus and smoking also clinical data (SBP, DBP, pulse and BMI) also laboratory data (FBS, 2h PPBG, HBA1C and albumin /creatinine ratio) and total insulin dose.

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