
The subject of the study is post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) of people exposed to stress factors in the city of Mariupol during the active phase of the Special Military Operation in the city. Taking into account the tasks of socio-psychological rehabilitation of the civilian population located in an area of increased risk of psychological and physical trauma, identifying the level of prevalence of PTSD in Mariupol is extremely relevant from both a scientific and applied point of view. Obtaining relevant information is important both for further in-depth research and for the development and implementation of appropriate programs of socio-psychological and (or) depth psychological rehabilitation. In addition, this information is relevant in the context of solving the problem of forming the all-Russian civic identity among new generations of Russians. The study used structured clinical interview technology, as well as the Clinical-Administered PTSD Scale (CAPS) and a PTSD screening questionnaire. Based on the data obtained during the study, it was concluded that, in comparison with similar indicators identified among the civilian population of Afghanistan and Chechnya, who were in the territory of intense military operations and experienced the effects of powerful stress factors, as well as among people who witnessed the shooting of the Russian parliament in 1993, the prevalence of PSTD among residents of Mariupol who were in the city during the operation to liberate it is quite low. In the opinion of the authors of the article, this fact is explained by the fact that the majority of Russian citizens who remained in Mariupol and returned to it perceive the military actions of 2022 as a “forced necessity”. This leads to the conclusion about the extreme importance of using psychological and psychological-pedagogical technologies in the sphere of protecting traditional values.

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