
The provisions of Article 4 of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia explain that government power in Indonesia is held by the President who is assisted by 1 (one) Vice President in carrying out his obligations in carrying out government duties. Then it is also regulated in the Indonesian constitution regarding the term limits for a person's term of office as President which is regulated in Article 7 of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia that "The President and Vice President hold office for 5 (five) years, and after that they can be re-elected in office. the same term, only for one term of office. Based on the background above, the problem that will be studied is formulated, namely related to the analysis of the implementation of a 3 (three) term presidential term in the government system in Indonesia. Normatively, holding general elections and the President can only serve for 2 (two) terms is a constitutional obligation that must not be violated. These term limits ensure that people have equal opportunities to participate in government. Limiting the President's term of office to 2 (two) terms is part of maintaining Indonesia as a democratic country where such limitations are accepted in universal human rights practice and are not considered as restrictions on human rights. As a consensus has been unanimously agreed upon, limiting the presidential term to only two terms, brings several consequences. On the other hand, those who are not willing to guard and maintain this consensus will no longer agree with the consensus that has been made by the Indonesian nation that the limitation of the President's office to 2 (two) terms is to prevent arbitrariness.

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