
STATISTICS AS A CAREER The National Office of the Association receives, in the course of a year, many requests for information about the work of statisticians and the requirements necessary for a career in statistics. These requests come from students in high school and college as well as vocational guidance counselors, teachers, librarians and others concerned with helping students prepare themselves for future study. Since 1952 the Association has distributed a reprint of an article from THE AMERICAN STATISTICIAN entitled Statistics as a Career, which contains infonnation on educational requirements and other aspects of working with statistics. In addition, ASA receives, from time to time, requests to review material from publi c and private organizations publishing career booklets. However, there seems to be the need for a definitive brochure on statistical careers which will be both broad and specific in providing adequate guidance in an evolving discipline. Several years ago, the Associat ion's Section on Training, in cooperation with the Institute of Mathematical Statistics. began planning for the eventual preparation of a completely new work. The Board of Directors of ASA and the Council of IMS have authorized funds for the writing and printing of such a brochure. Both societies have appointed advisory committees to consult with the science writer, Michael Amrine who has contracted with us to draft the brochure. Mr. Amrine also serves as a public relations consultant for ASA particularly on publicity for the Annual Meeting. Bernard Greenberg is Chairman of the ASA committee to advise on the brochure. The preparation of the new brochure is still in the preliminary stages; however, Mr. Amrine has suggested that it may proceed along the lines of the following tentative outline. (Mr. Amrine , in the course of gathering information on statistical work, has talked to a number of members of ASA and IMS.) An introduction will offer salient facts about the present state of stati stics. Then a section will discuss what statisticians do, where they are, and the diversity of activities in which statisticians are found. A brief note on the history, changing nature of the work, different types and so on will be included, along with a discussion of new frontiers and present trends indicating future challenges. (Continued on back cover) Questions and Answers

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