
The first demonstration fast breeder reactor (DFBR-1) is being developed in Japan, as the essential step toward the commercial deployment of FBR around 2030. The construction of the DFBR-1, which follows the experimental FBR (JOYO) and the prototype FBR (MONJU), is scheduled for the early 2000s. The Japan Atomic Power Company (JAPC) has been conducting design studies of the DFBR-1 and relevant R&D since 1986, under a contract awarded by the nine electric companies and the Electric Power Development Co., Ltd. The electric utilities have settled the major design specifications of the DFBR-1 plant as the top-entry loop type system with an output of 660MWe. Based on these major design specifications, JAPC has been conducting the optimization design study of the DFBR-1 since FY 1994 in order to establish the overall consistent plant design with construction cost reduction below 1.5 times that of LWRs on 1,000 MWe basis and comfirm the licensability of the DFBR-1 design. This study will complete by the end of FY 1996 This paper mainly outlines the design concepts of DFBR-1 resulting from the optimization design study of DFBR-1.

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