
Antityphoid inoculation has been very thoroughly studied since 1896, when Pfeiffer did the pioneer work in it. Wright placed the method on a firm basis by his inoculations in the British army, both in India and during the Boer War; and since then there have been many contributions to the subject, especially by Leishman, whose work has helped greatly to bring the subject up to date, as has also the work of Major Russell of the United States Army. From these investigators I quote freely. Some of the later statistics are those of Leishman. These cover a period of three and a half years, to June, 1908. Of 5,473 soldiers vaccinated against the disease, only 21 took it, and 2 died; in 6,610 soldiers under practically the same conditions of life and surroundings, there were 187 cases, and 26 deaths. That is, there were 3.8 cases per thousand among the

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