
ABSTRACT One of the current prospective solutions that can contribute to significant carbon dioxide emission mitigation is carbon capture and storage in geological formations. The most challenging issue in underground storage is the provision of safe and long-term storage without possible carbon dioxide leakage. From the safety point of view, it is considered that the most appropriate geological formations for carbon dioxide storage are depleted hydrocarbon reservoirs or partially depleted oil reservoirs, where injection of carbon dioxide enhances oil recovery. This paper proposes a multicriteria decision-making model for preliminary selection of an oil reservoir in Serbia for carbon dioxide injection and storage. Applied multicriteria decision-making methods are ”Technique of order preference similarity to the ideal solution” (TOPSIS) and ”Multicriteria optimization and compromise solution” (VIKOR). In the analyzed multicriteria decision model three alternative oil reservoirs and seven criteria are considered. The evaluation and decision-making process presented in the study includes a selection of the geological formations for storing carbon dioxide and enhancing oil recovery, choosing the criteria and alternatives, the initial decision-making matrix development, weight criteria determination by entropy method, application of multicriteria decision-making methods for ranking alternatives, and comparison of applied methods results. The results of this study show that the same results are obtained by applying these two methods, i.e., oil reservoir A3 is the most appropriate candidate for application of carbon dioxide injection and geological storage.

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