
AT the recent annual meeting of the Prehistoric Society of East Anglia, held at the Norwich Castle Museum, it was resolved that in future the title of the Society shall be “The Prehistoric Society”. Dr. J. G. D. Clark, in proposing the change, directed attention to the fact that the Society is no longer predominantly East Anglian either in membership or scope of work, and emphasised the point that the recognition of the Prehistoric Society as the only society operating on a national basis exclusively in the sphere of prehistoric archaeology will be a contribution towards the much-desired rationalisation of the subject in Great Britain. The Prehistoric Society of East Anglia was founded in 1908 by the late Dr. Alien Sturge and the late W. G. Clark of Norwich. From very small beginnings it has grown until the membership now approaches 400 and includes the leading prehistorians in this and many other countries. Prof. L'Abbe Henri Breuil, the retiring president, is succeeded by Prof. V. Gordon Childe, with Mr. M. C. Burkitt as vice-president, Dr. J. G. D. Clark as editor and Mr. G. Maynard, curator of the Ipswich Museum, as honorary secretary.

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