
To evaluate the relationship between oocyte dysmorphisms and IMSI outcomes Data of IMSI cycles performed in 332 patients were included in this study. Patients were included only if presented more than four and less than 30 oocytes upon oocyte retrieval. Patients who underwent IMSI were matched, concerning female age and sperm parameters, with patients who underwent ICSI in the same period (n = 332). The two groups (ICSI and IMSI) were compared with regard to treatment outcomes. The influence of IMSI on fertilization and embryo quality on D3 and D5, when oocyte dysmorphisms were present was analyzed. A total of 6444 oocytes were morphologically evaluated and injected. Regardless of the oocyte quality, IMSI performance was a determinant of the increased odds of development to high quality embryo on D3 (OR: 1.98; CI: 1.54-2.56) and D5 (OR: 3.27; CI: 1.61-6.66). The selection of a morphologically normal spermatozoon under high-magnification is associated with increased embryo quality, regardless of the oocyte morphology. The injection of a spermatozoon, selected under high-magnification, into a morphologically normal oocyte leads to the highest probability of developing high quality embryos.

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