
The article describes important elements of the Integrated Concept of Sport in the Republic of Moldova, focused on elements of good governance, protection of minors, fight against doping and corruption. Sport is a field that contributes substantially to sustainable development and economic growth of a state, ensuring an added value in its gross domestic product and the insertion of the specialists in the field on the labor market. National sports organizations are responsible for ensuring good governance in the reference field, its integrity in order to continuously improve the public's confidence in the positive values of sport and to increase the quality of life with its support. Moreover, ensuring good governance in national sport is dictated by the respect for the principle of autonomy and compliance with the legal framework of sports organizations (regulations, instructions, methodologies, etc.). Thus, good governance must "ensure the proper observance and regulation of the field through the principles of efficient, transparent, ethical and democratic management, sports diplomacy, fair play, participatory management, processes and structures with the participation of stakeholders" European Parliament Resolution of 2 February 2017 on an integrated approach to sport policy: good governance, accessibility and integrity 2016/2143 (INI). Good governance is needed to meet the challenges of sport and the legal framework of the European Union. Doping and corruption in sport, identified at national and European level, lead to the creation of an inadequate image of sport. Also, respect and protection of human rights, especially of minors, must be national principles of the rule of law. In this context, we can assert that the elaboration of the praxiological model of the Integrated Concept of sport at national level can strengthen the adjustment directions through modifications / proposals to the local legal framework that regulates the reference field in consensus with the European one.

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