
Six Pragian-Emsian boundary sections in the Barrandian area, western of Prague, provided evidence of well detectable entries of Latericriodus fauna probably at the earliest Emsian beds (particularly Latericriodus bilatericrescens gracilis Bultynck). The chance to find icriodontid conodonts increases with latest part of Praha Fm., which is apparently of Emsian age, whereas polygnathids are sparsely preserved to absent. The high icriodontid/polygnathid ratio links together all these Barrandian sections, although their open-sea depositional environments range widely from deep troughs with rapid calciturbidite accumulation (Pod Barrandovem section) to relatively starving slope environments on elevations (Na Požárech sections). The reports on polygnathid occurrences around the Pragian-Emsian boundary beds of the Barrandian area are much biased by poor reproducibility of the results (the conodonts cannot be found again) as well as by different levels where they were randomly found and/or by major taxonomic problems with the “kitabicus” and “dehiscens” definitions and their stratigraphic use. Apart from the GSSP in the Zinzilban Gorge (Uzbekistan) and its “kitabicus” boundary, the newly introduced “gracilis” biostratigraphic-marker concept preserves the major volume of the Pragian and respects also approximately the base of the traditional Emsian. These “gracilis” entries are clustered around the dark-colored “graptolite-bearing interval” beds, which largely form a prominent lithological marker within the latest, light gray-colored Dvorce-Prokop Limestone of the Barrandian area. This “gracilis” biostratigraphic marker has a promising correlation potential relative to Spanish and Moroccan sections.

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